discover secrets

of the world on intriguing slow travel tours

discover hidden gems & adventure

on an interactive tour

You’ll find hidden gems, intriguing laneways, unique local shops, and stunning historic vistas on the Hidden Lanes walking tours - wander at your own pace via the self-guided tours or join a Ballarat guided tour.

Ballarat walking tours by Hidden Lanes


hidden gems

on a self-guided tour

Hidden Lane’s interactive guides take you on a self-guided adventure so you can find and soak in the best bits of a place. This tour is for people who enjoy long walks through cities. For a shorter experience, find our Ballarat guided walking tours here.

Discover things you wouldn’t otherwise, including unique hidden laneways, art galleries, quirky cafes, unique shops, and stunning scenery.

“Myself and 2 girlfriends had a blast. At a leisurely pace we started our journey at the railway station and followed the recommendations…Will be back to explore further as more to see yet!

— Janita

go on an adventure

via a unique interactive self-guided tour

More guides coming soon…but you’ll need to subscribe to keep up to date.

  • We focus on ethical travel -promoting and uplifting local small businesses and artists. Working with local communities, we make sure our self-guided tours will bring positive changes.

  • Slow travel is all about travelling slowly by foot or bicycle, which are the modes of transport we use for our self-guided tours.

  • Don’t have the time to travel to a place yet? Get an interactive guide to soak up the vibe and explore via the Google map directions, photography, podcasts and/or videos.

  • All our guides come in a digital format so they can be downloaded immediately and used whenever you want. We also have paperback guidebooks for some cities, that can usually be picked up locally.

  • Never get lost using the Google map directions.

Beautifully curated,

inspiring slow travel

experiences in


These mostly guided walking tours are designed for adventurous souls to discover beautiful scenery, art, history and experience slow travel in Ballarat. Our Ballarat offerings:

Ballarat guided walking tour
Ballarat self-guided walking tour
Ballarat corporate team building
Ballarat art & culinary guided tour

Slow Travel Inspired by


Jeju Island

Jarrod and Emma Hall, Hidden Lanes creators spent 9 years in South Korea, and during that time created video content and a slow travel guide to Korea’s Jeju Island. The journey was a walking or cycling route that included beautiful scenery, funky cafes, art galleries and nature. They made a film about the journey, that was featured in the Korean Expat Film Festival and World Bicycle Film Festival. They were inspired to make something similar for Ballarat and other slow travel vibe places in the world!

thanks to our sponsors

This guidebook was developed on the Country of the Wadawurrung who have performed age old cultural ceremonies, celebrations and traditions here for thousands of years. We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the Elders past and present. • All recommendations and travel information is accurate to our knowledge but the information given should be fact-checked and never be considered official safety, travel or legal advice.